Don’t just take our word for it… find out what the professionals have to say about our innovative loudspeakers in their own words.


"[The Encores are] quite simply the best sounding loudspeakers I've heard in a very long time. In my opinion they'll stand up handsomely against speakers in the $50,000 to $100,000 range. Don't blame me for being smitten. I just happen to think they're that incredible."
Clement Perry | Stereo Times | 10/01/2018


"The Encore's as smooth as a babies behind in their midband, yet can kick like a mule when it comes to bass impact."
Clement Perry/Moreno Mitchell | Stereo Times |

Double Impact

"[...] these are my new references. I expect anything short of a winning lotto ticket they will remain that for a long time. They are a stunning achievement in speaker design."
Steve Lefkowicz | Positive Feedback | 04/24/2018

Double Impact

"The level of detail without any edge or fatigue is amazing. The room was packed most of the times I dropped by as the buzz at CAF was 'have you heard how good those [...] speakers sound'."
Kemper Holt | Enjoy the Music | 09/01/2017

Double Impact

"The DI easily competes with speakers costing $10,000 [...] the Double Impacts are an incredible value and a must audition for listeners with an open mind and open ears."
Victor Chavira | Positive Feedback | 04/24/2018

Double Impact

" want to be very clear that the Double Impact is not just a great speaker at its very reasonable price. Rather, it is a reference-level speaker that will compete and actually out-class the performance of some other speakers costing thousands of dollars more, from some of the most trusted names in speakers."
Terry London | Home Theater Review | 03/20/2017

Double Impact

"Make no mistake, the Tekton Design DIs are among the best loudspeakers I have heard in my home, regardless of price. To say that I have become enamored of them would be only half the truth. I am also enamored of Eric's conscious decision to make products centered on music lovers who happen to not be millionaires. In my opinion he could have easily priced the DIs ten times higher."
Clement Perry | Stereo Times | 01/12/2018

Double Impact

"Stressing levels of detail, resolution and imaging the likes of which I expect from speakers many times their price, the Double Impacts play on both sides of the line between a "music lovers" speaker and a serious audiophile speaker."
Myles B. Astor | Positive Feedback | 11/27/2017

Double Impact

"The Double Impact is not just a great speaker at its very reasonable price. Rather, it is a reference-level speaker that will compete and actually out-class the performance of some other speakers costing thousands of dollars more."
Best of 2017 Awards | Home Theater Review | 12/18/2017

Double Impact

"I found vocals that were tightly focused and real sounding, small details like breath inhales were evident, the stage was wide and deep and the sense of hall was present in The Trinity Sessions, orchestral bass drum pressurized the room easily and drum kits had nice impact on my chest, and dynamics were startling. The presentation is forward and very live sounding..."
Kemper Holt | Enjoy The Music |

Double Impact

"The Double Impact... has a dry hit. The bass is phenomenal... strong and controlled. "
Jay Lee (Soulsik) | The Next Best Thing Studio | 11/17/2019


"Moab delivers horn-like transient velocity without the colorations or distortions of horns. It has a level of startling transparency which makes the smallest details pop out yet, if driven by the right electronics, never becomes etchy or analytical. Moab is seamless top to bottom and creates a wall-to-wall soundstage with realistically sized images. The downfall of many large planars and boxes is that they enlarge/bloat the size of individual images. Everything sounds large whereas Moab scales down for intimate music and up for large ensembles."
Terry London | 6 moons | 07/01/2019


"Drum kits have realistic punch and impact and excitement. Cellos have perfect timbre, great tone and can be dynamically exciting as well. Pianos reveal themselves to be the percussive instrument they really are - exciting, dynamic, reverberant - yet, the intonation of the pianists fingering is very easily delineated and heard ... Here we have true sensational value in high-end audio. $4,500 never got you anything close to this in the past. This is just a terrific loudspeaker."
Kemper Holt | AVShowrooms | 12/15/2020


"The Tekton Design MOAB pretty much swallowed up the room they had it in, but they still managed to have one of the best, if not the best sounding room at [Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019], and I heard several people in the halls saying the same thing."
Paul C. | Hi-Fi Trends | 09/12/2019


"On this first visit I heard the first system playing the Moab and for that it deserves recognition as one of the Most Important Rooms at the show for its extraordinary high value. At the end of the show I revisited the room and heard the big rig driving the Moab and for that it deserves recognition as one of the Best Rooms at the show, still, for not a lot of money. This was absolutely a "must visit" room at RMAF."
Rick Becker | Enjoy the Music | 09/10/2019


"At $4,500, these speakers deliver the power, impact, presence and output of speakers costing as much as 10 times the price, and that is truly extreme value."
Home Theater Review's Best of 2019 Awards | Home Theater Review | 12/09/2019


"Everything was in the proper place, imaging all over the place, huge soundstage... Guys, if this is your first audiophile venture, this is the proper speaker.... Earth-shattering bass, "Boom!""
Peter Breuninger/Terry Eringi | AVShowrooms | 01/01/2020


"The Moabs had already shown more than a little promise before, but now, they just... Blew. Me. Away. These speakers sound more like live music than anything I've ever heard in my room."
Rogier van Bakel | Enjoy the Music | 01/01/2021


"The Tekton Design Ulfberht loudspeakers seems to combine the best elements of various designs or types, e.g. the transparency and delicacy of electrostats, the dynamics and transient speed of horns, and, the silky-smoothness of the best cones. They also produce the lowest of the low bass with power, control, and room-rattling notes that you can feel as well as hear. All this, while producing an enormous soundstage within which the speaker does the disappearing act of a mini-monitor. Image sizes are appropriate to the recording and/or sound sources (voices, instruments, etc.) and the speaker is capable of producing the full grandeur of a symphony orchestra on a scale that rivals the larger (and MUCH more expensive) speaker designs available today."
Ron Cook | Stereo Times |


"In the area of soundstaging, the Ulfberht offered a higher level of precision in re-creating the type of venue and an even more realistic illusion of three-dimensional musicians performing on a stage within that venue. This speaker has a special liquidity and ease that allows the music to effortlessly flow into your room, connecting you with the music in an emotional way."
Terry London | Home Theater Review | 10/16/2017


"The highs were very detailed. The imaging for such a tall speaker, I thought, it was incredible. It had a great presence in the room. It's a lot of speaker for the money. No question about it. It's a hell of a speaker for the money."
Jay's Audio Lab | Jay's Audio Lab | 01/12/2021

The Perfect SET

"The Tekton Design Perfect SET offers excellent build, a small footprint and performance orders of magnitude beyond its very reasonable ask. How much more would you have to spend to equal or surpass it? It could mean many multiples of its own sticker."
Terry London | 6 moons | 03/01/2019


"I have literally nothing negative to say about these speakers... It is a very very easy to listen to speaker... the bass response on these are incredible. "
Jay Lee (Soulsik) | The Next Best Thing Studios | 08/19/2019


"What makes the Pendragons even better is their sound, which our Managing Editor compared against venerable heavyweights such as Wilson Audio's MAXX 3 and Wisdom Audio's LS4 on-walls. For true, full-range, high end sound there may not be a better value in all of hi-fi right now than the Pendragon. "
Best of 2012 | Home Theater Review | 12/03/2012


"THE TEKTON DESIGN PENDRAGONS’ Superior Dynamics Make Them Stand Out in the $2500/pair Tower Speaker Category. They Offer the Best Value I’ve Heard for the Price."
Glenn Young | Home Theater HiFi | 09/07/2016


"I think the Pendragons fill an important niche. They are both bona-fide performers and affordable ... I could live with the Pendragons easily and sleep well ... Natural sounding and so seriously dynamic, the Pendragons make my music enjoyable to listen to."
John Zurek | Positive Feedback | 07/01/2013


"What is there to say about the Pendragon's performance, other than it's amazing? It's dynamic, it's true to life in its scale."
Andrew Robinson | Andrew Robinson Online | 05/12/2013


"The Pendragon from Tekton Design is a monster. With a sensitivity of 98dB, they are big, full range, and the sound is impressive as all hell."
Scot Hull | Part Time Audiophile | 01/25/2012


"If the Tekton Design Pendragons are any clue as to the direction the company is going in, every loudspeaker manufacturer should be taking notes and be a little worried, as these speakers are game changers in a game that rarely ever changes."
Michael Zisserson | Future Audiophile | 04/11/2023


"Whatever style, genre, and level of complexity or musically challenging selection I played, I was constantly rewarded with a remarkable playback that drew me in and kept me there for as long as I had time to listen."
Steve Lefkowicz | Positive Feedback | 04/01/2012


"The Tekton Lore is a versatile speaker. There’s nothing it cannot do very well. It digs deep and it soars to the heavens with its fabulous tweeter."
Tim Smith | Wall of Sound | 02/25/2018


"The bottom end is very full sounding, warm, luscious, yet perfectly paced, in my opinion. Then you have the lower mid range frequency which is a tad bit warm and when someone plucks a guitar, you feel that type of vibrato in the body. You feel certain instruments with your body, not just hear them. The high frequencies are so damn refined for the price range it is almost insane."
Jay Lee (Soulsik) | The Next Best Thing Studio | 10/02/2020


"The top-to-bottom coherence to the Lore Be's sound across its entire frequency range is something that has to be experienced to be understood. The naturalness and ease the Lore Be's sound possesses is its defining characteristic--something many customers will find throughout Tekton's line."
Andrew Robinson | Home Theater Review | 05/22/2019


"Special speaker. Little bit different than anything else I've heard. [...] Do I think they're worth it? At $1000, yes, because they have characteristics of other speakers I like and they're significantly lower priced. They also have some magic to them."
Randy Messman | Cheap Audio Man | 09/15/2022


"Even though you may think of the Electron as a “DI-lite”, don’t dismiss them as bass shy…they are not! I’ve come to think of them as having a more “audiophile” balance in that their ratio of highs to lows trends towards a lighter, brighter perspective. The bass foundation undergirding the upper frequencies supports them firmly, but not as fully, as the DI bass does."
Ed Van Winkle | StereoTimes |

Enzo XL

"Based on my reviewing experience, these practically free speakers will get you a satisfyingly big portion of those $50,000 models' performance. Consider this review a thoughtfully considered, heartfelt recommendation. These giant monoliths are great fun!"
Herb Reichert | Stereophile | 03/14/2015

Enzo XL

"Every thrust of the volume knob clockwise, gifted me with what seemed like limitless control and dynamics. In fact, things got better the louder we went. The Raven Blackhawk never faltered and the Enzo XL’s were taking the thumps with grace and poise. The character was that of live music, which is to be expected from these and other Tekton designs as they often incorporate the use of live sound drivers."
Eric Shook | AudioHead | 05/22/2019

Enzo XL

"I've listened to Rosanne Cash's "10 Song Demo" CD on countless speakers, but the Enzos were different. With my eyes closed Cash was right there, between the Enzos. The accompanying acoustic guitars on either side of her were just as vivid and alive. I was more aware of her phrasing, and the way she emphasized some words more than others. The music coming out of the Enzos felt like it was being performed by flesh and blood musicians, which it was back in 1996 when it was recorded. The Enzos brought the music back to life."
Steve Guttenberg | CNet | 05/05/2013

Enzo XL

"Midrange was full and rich sounding and at no time I could not detect the crossover point between the three tweeter array and bass drivers. On "Sinner…and Saint" by Irish blues-rocker Rory Gallagher, the sound of Gallagher's well worn Fender guitar had that distinct Stratocaster sound. Vocals sounded realistic and immediate, Nat King Cole sounded like he was in the center of our living room singing all his hits. The music sounded dynamic and alive through the efficient Enzo, even when driven with just 20 watts."
Todd Bromgard | TNT Audio | 12/10/2013

Lore Reference

"For me, I could sit and enjoy music endlessly with the Tekton Lore Reference and that's why I recommend it so highly."
Rick Becker | Enjoy the Music | 08/01/2014

Lore Reference

"... they are the very best speakers I’ve ever heard in my actual home at any price in 20 years. For speakers costing less than most audiophile speaker wires, that’s saying something. That I had zero desire to upgrade after getting them says something else. In other words - and here’s the bottom line (almost literally): the Tekton Lore Reference sounds to me like the way to go if you can’t afford the Devore O/96 or an $8,000 a pair Audio Note high efficiency speakers, and like what speakers of that ilk do; namely, create broad shouldered, tonally saturated canvases of sound in an effortless and flowing manner with low to medium powered amplifiers of all types. And I do. Like what they do, I mean."
David Abramson | Stereotimes |

Impact Monitor

"The Impact Monitor is an all-rounder—a loudspeaker capable of satisfying many serious audiophiles, dance-partygoers, and record collectors. Few speakers can play every musical genre with the Impact's level of ease, acuity, and, uh . . . impact. Add to these virtues the fact that few other moderately priced audiophile speakers can play so loud without distortion. And they're unusually easy to drive."
Herb Reichert | Stereophile | 07/19/2018

Impact Monitor

"You immediately hear the large soundstage of the Tektons. The Tektons produce a soundstage that is wider, taller deeper and a bit easier to track all the details. The vocals are a little airier, dreamier. The clarity and details are ahead in the Tektons. You can easily hear the guitars and the snares and the piano. You can hear every instument in their exact locations."
The Audio Fool | The Audiofool | 01/13/2019

Impact Monitor

"It's got gravitas, it's got balls, it does dynamics. You play piano on this speaker, it feels like a piano. It's got efficiency of a horn, it's got dynamics of a horn and it's got real kick-ass bass."
Steve Guttenberg | Audiophiliac | 05/09/2018

Impact Monitor

"You get the speed and velocity normally only found in horn speakers, which gives you the sense of “aliveness” of real music, without the colorations of those designs. And you get the micro-details, decays, and transparency normally associated with electrostatic planar designs without the etch or sharp, analytical edge. This speaker not only completely disappears like all great stand-mount speakers, but it creates life-sized three-dimensional players much more like a large floorstander. It renders beautiful, natural timbres and tonal colors with all instruments. The bottom-end extension is accurate and taut; you don’t really need a subwoofer for music or everyday TV listening. Finally, these speakers have a silky-smooth, grainless signature that draws you into the music. Is this a killer speaker for smaller rooms? You bet it is. The Impact Monitor has become my new reference speaker for my second system in a smaller acoustic space."
Terry London | Home Theater Review | 04/02/2018

Impact Monitor

"IM's outstanding dynamic responsiveness, remarkable mid-range clarity, near full frequency, and user-friendly dimensions are assets that few, if any, speakers possess at [this price.] As long time dyed-in-the-wool audio geek, I never imagined listening to, much less enjoying, an orange painted speaker system that included 14 tweeters! Nevertheless, the orange color scheme and technology makes sense to me now. The Impact Monitors can summon fury like the Heritage Softail next to you at the intersection and deliver to you to your musical destination like a magic carpet ride on the open highway. As one audio friend told me before leaving an afternoon's listening session, "You need to keep these!" I believe I may heed his advice. Highly recommended without reservation."
Victor Chavira | Positive Feedback | 07/01/2018

Impact Monitor

"I can't think of another audiophile grade speaker for the money that energizes a room like the Impact Monitor. The Impact Monitors treated vocals well, they sounded full bodied and natural, so soul singer Macy Gray all but materialized between the two speakers. Pianos are tough to get right, but the Impact Monitors nailed the percussive transients and full tonality of Milcho Leviev's astonishing Man From Plovdiv solo piano CD. He's a powerful player, really slamming the keys and the Impacts were giving his piano its full due. Morphine lit up the Impact Monitors, and I must say Dana Colley's sax emerged with all of its brassy, breathy beauty intact [...] The Impacts have a way of bringing the soul of music back to life in ways that you just don't get from other speakers in their price class."
Steve Guttenberg | Cnet | 05/12/2018

Impact Monitor

"[T]he Tekton monitors [...] blew me away. Its sound [...] far surpassed any number of systems costing way more. A notable achievement, worthy of both review and acclaim."
Jason Victor Serinus | Stereophile | 10/13/2017

Impact Monitor

"It was not subtle. The [...]Tekton Impact Monitors were doing it all: singing, drumming, shaking the air, drawing me in, and making every CD or LP pure pleasure to listen to. A little soft…but not too soft. Imagine a gentle but guiding touch with a most perfect sparkle—and then firm and impactful when necessary."
Herb Reichert | Stereophile | 10/15/2017

Mini Lore Monitor

"I can think of a number of reasons to acquire the Mini-Lore Monitor. Being in the market for an affordable, highly sensitive/efficient stand mount comes to mind, as does not having to raise the volume past 11 o’clock. For those with low-power gear and for those embarking on the wonderful journey that is tube/valve, the Mini-Lore Monitors make for an inviting proposition, both sonically and economically."
David Blumenstein | Dagogo | 10/18/2018

4-10 Sub

"The value of the Tekton Design 4-10 subwoofer exceeds virtually every subwoofer around its price point, and are exemplars of every trait I feel are critical to subwoofers in a dedicated stereo system. More than any other subwoofer I’ve heard, the 4-10 subwoofers melt into the rest of the system; quite simply, they disappear with a sound that is indistinguishable from the loudspeaker. Beyond that, the Tekton 4-10 subwoofers add a sense of dynamic contrast, a greater sense of space, effortless lows with added kick, a fuller and richer sound, and (oddly) the added low end seems to make the highs sparkle a bit more. Such an improvement is hard to believe from speakers that cover such a narrow slice of the frequency range."
Richard Willie | Stereotimes |

Cinema Sub

"These are the highest output subwoofers I have encountered at the $1,000 price point. If you want a great subwoofer and can accommodate the space for these it would be hard to find anything better at $1,000 each."
W. Jeff Meier | Home Cinema Guru | 10/23/2013

Cinema Sub

"The CINEMA SUBWOOFER is a reference quality powered subwoofer capable of true sub-20 Hz performance, and added to the enjoyment of everything I played."
Todd Bromgard | TNT Audio | 05/01/2017

2-10 Perfect Set

"If you like tubes, this speaker is definitely for you [...] great soundstage, great imaging, great separation, not too bright [...] absolutely incredible."
Jay Soulsik | The Next Best Thing Studio | 06/28/2021

2-10 Perfect Set

"They're so tonally right. Midrange is wonderful on this speaker. The tone, the harmonics of it sound so natural. There's this open cloud that appears on the plane in front of the speaker. Nothing is overly bright, nothing is shouting at you. "
Steve Guttenberg | The Audiophiliac | 06/27/2020

2-10 Perfect Set

"The 2-10 Perfect Set by Tekton Design has a unique aesthetic and was engineered to provide amazing clarity. Can they deliver? Watch the video and find out!"
Mike Perez | Audio Arkitekts | 09/03/2022

2-10 Perfect Set

"I think of those fantastic speakers from the past that packed a punch and provided a nice clean sound. It sounds very similar to that with [...] a much more refined mid-range and top end. [...] I had so much fun listening to a lot of bass heavy songs. It's always a good day when you don't have to use a subwoofer to help your speakers. It provided me with a dynamic full-range sound, room-shaking bass, remarkable clarity [...]"
Mike on Audio | Mike on Audio | 09/23/2022

Pendragon (2 Ohm)

"Being able to project in a 3D fashion, it does create a very big scale sound, with that clear, crisp sound in a tall frequency. Anyone who hears these speakers will be surely amazed at the high frequency refinement. Not only is it crisp, clear and the decay and the snap on the high frequency is just remarkable, it's better than the Double Impacts. It surrounds you and envelops you. It was almost like I was [at the recording]."
Jay Lee (Soulsik) | The Next Best Thing Studios | 06/22/2022

Cinema Sub

"These are the highest output subwoofers I have encountered at the $1,000 price point. If you want a great subwoofer and can accommodate the space for these it would be hard to find anything better at $1,000 each."
W. Jeff Meier | Home Cinema Guru | 10/23/2013

Cinema Sub

"The CINEMA SUBWOOFER is a reference quality powered subwoofer capable of true sub-20 Hz performance, and added to the enjoyment of everything I played."
Todd Bromgard | TNT Audio | 05/01/2017


"The Tekton Design Nebo speakers are a triumph. They deliver a level of detail and immediacy that is truly rare, combined with a rich and smooth tonality that is both engaging and emotionally satisfying."
Richard Willie | Stereotimes | 02/08/2023